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Family Garden Initiative Has a New Logo and Website

Daniel Samms

A New Look

You may have noticed that FGI has a new look.  We recently changed our logo and launched a new website.  Now, it is easier than ever to donate, share, and serve with us.  In addition to the website, our Facebook and Twitter both got new looks as well.  Be sure to follow us @FGIgardens

Here are a few special additions to the website just for you:

  • "Social Share" buttons on the sidebar, making it easy to share links.  We recommend tagging your pastor and talking him into doing FGI in your community!
  • "Follow" buttons in the footer, making it easy to follow us on multiple social media platforms.  
  • A new blog, providing updates about garden prep, distribution, and more! 
  • A "Get Started" page designed to make it simple to start giving gardens in your community. 
  • A "Newsletter Signup" in the footer so you can get emails on the regular from FGI.  
  • An elegant layout, because a website should be as beautiful as the plants we grow and the people we serve with.  
  • A "Contact Us" page to make it easy to get in touch.  

New Projects

Our new look is exciting, but we get a lot more excited when families are blessed with the gospel and gardens.  This year, we are adding new projects as we parter with Envision Cleveland and a host of other churches across the country.  Look for projects in your area, or contact us to partner!  

New Programs

It's still a secret, but this spring FGI is launching a new project designed to provide protein as well as produce for urban families.  We are incredibly excited about this new venture as we roll it out in test sites in the Midwest.  Keep watching the website, Facebook Page, and Twitter for upcoming announcements!  

In the meantime, spread the word!  

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