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Getting Started

Remember Who We Are

The Family Garden Initiative is a faith-driven, community outreach organization which seeks to provide fresh food to families in need through building gardens and garden education in local communities.  The Family Garden Initiative (FGI) teaches its methods and models to local churches and community organizations to facilitate local outreach programs.  We live out the Gospel of Christ by serving low-maintenance, above-ground gardens to families in need.  Our mission is to reflect Christ by healing urban communities through serving gardens that yield freshly grown produce for families.

Understand What We Do

We provide Garden Initiative plans for local churches and communities that align with our mission and would like to serve gardens to families in their city. Packages include customized website, forms, plan and other tools to make your Garden Initiative a success.  Here’s how it works:

  • We teach you how to start FGI in your community through your church.
  • We create a website for your program ( with built in web forms, donation page, promotional videos, etc.  This becomes your centralized communication hub.
  • We stay available to your project manager to coach and support you to successfully launch and sustain your city’s FGI.
  • We help you build relationships with growers and compost facilities in your area to keep the cost of the gardens minimal.
  • We give you the gardens at lowest cost possible.
  • We help you organize your volunteers to distribute the gardens.
  • We teach you how to follow-up with garden recipients to ensure the success of their gardens.
  • We teach you how to follow-up with garden recipients to share the Gospel.

Contact Us to Get Started

Contact Alex Marks at the Family Garden Initiative for more information: or 440-305-0344.