About FGI
Family Garden Initiative is Light shown in local communities by the actions of Christ-like servants living out the Gospel. Through the training and equipping local churches and social organizations, FGI and its partners empower children, adults and families to improve their nutrition through gardening in their own backyards.
Our Story:
Family Garden Initiative began in 2010 as a specific outreach partnership between Church of the Open Door and Filtrexx Foundation, both in Lorain County, Ohio. This program successfully engaged over 200 volunteers in a single day effort on May 15th, 2010 to deliver specialized garden kits including planters, plants, seed, growing guides, recipe books, and watering cans to 300 local families, identified through partnerships with local social organizations. These families were not just provided with fish, but were taught to fish for themselves. In the process, community was built both amongst garden recipients, and the organizations that supported the project. The incredible volunteer turnout and the success of completed projects at May 15, 2010 laid the foundation to do even more the next year!
In the 2 years that followed, we refined our program methods and processes and began teaching other organizations in Cleveland (Neighborhood CDC’s) and Columbus (Local Churches), who successfully led projects under our coaching, expanding the reach of FGI by training the trainer. By 2012, we gave away 750 gardens!
FGI formalized as its own entity in March 2013 and received its 501c3 recognition in September 2013. FGI led 12 projects in 2013, and is rapidly growing nationwide and globally in 2014.
You may be wondering how it is possible to install 1,000 gardens in a single day. Gardensoxx® make installation and care fast and easy. Have a look! Installing Gardens
Perhaps the most exciting part of this project is that each garden is funded on only a $50 donation and produces enough produce to feed a family of 4 for a year! That means you can feed a family for a year for less than what it costs to take yours out to dinner!
How You Can Help:
We would love to start a Garden Initiative in your community. If you have a desire to spread the Gospel through nutrition and education, then let us help you. Start a Garden Initiative in your Community.
“The Family Garden Initiative is one of the most effective programs I’ve seen to connect church and community. Far more than the traditional handout to those in need, these starter gardens involve the recipient family in producing their own food resources. All benefit: church members, families and communities. The approach is now tested and proven, and we’re delighted to see it expand more broadly.”